Board member

Nisha Tandon is a social entrepreneur, founder and director of ArtsEkta. She is also a member of Belfast City Council's Festival Forum strategy sub-group and is Northern Ireland representative for Voluntary Arts BAME Advisory UK Panel.
Nisha was appointed as a board member of CRC 1 June 2019, and her current 3-year term ends 31 May 2022. Her remuneration is nil for a workload of approximately 20 days per annum including Council meetings.
In 2016, she was appointed to the UK board of Voluntary Arts. Nisha is a founding member of 'Stronger Together', a collaboration of organisations working in the field of racial equality. In 2014, Nisha was the first Asian women from Northern Ireland to be awarded the UK Asian Women of Achievement Award and was awarded an OBE for services to the minority ethnic sector in the 2014 Queen's Honours List. In 2015, she won the British Indian Award for 'Indian Spirit in the Community'.
Nisha has also been awarded the Chief Officers Third Sector award for Leading Growth & Innovation.