TEO Questionnaires

Evidencing the Impact of T:BUC Good Relations Work

Evidence is key to informing government decision making and funding. Government needs to know that public monies it invests into funding programmes is making a difference and having a positive impact on the outcomes of the people who live here. Good quality data is key to being able to measure impact, to plan future services and to identify where need is greatest.

One way The Executive Office (TEO) sees if funding is making a difference is to use questionnaires to ask questions of the people who take part in Good Relations programmes.

As a project delivering T:BUC funded work, you can play an important role in ensuring TEO has the best evidence possible. We can assure you they will only ever ask participants the questions they need answers to.

The documents below offer guidance on how to complete the questionnaire, as well as providing different types of questionnaires to suit the work you are delivering and age range of the participants taking part.

If you have any questions, please contact:

Questionnaires are available in a range of languages including English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, European Portuguese (East Timor), Romanian, Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian.


Please refer to the document “Guidance Evidencing T:BUC Good Relations Funding Outcomes” to help you select the correct questionnaires to complete.

  • One-off questionnaire answers can be completed by participants online (via link or QR code – see page 17) or using paper copy. These are for one-day events, such as launch events, one day cultural festivals, etc. Participant answers to any one-off online questionnaires go directly to TEO. Where hard copies are used, Project Leader will need to input participant responses online; this can be done via the links or QR codes provided (see page 17).
  • Pre- and post- questionnaires are to be completed by the participant using paper copy questionnaires (printed on paper); the Project Leader / Facilitator will then input the information onto the age-appropriate spreadsheet(s) provided (see page 18). These are for more than one-day projects, such as a series of workshops, residentials, etc. Answers to the paper pre- and post- questionnaires need to be input to the spreadsheet(s) provided and returned to: GR.Data@executiveoffice-ni.gov.uk

The 2024/25 reporting year needs only to know about activities delivered 01 April 2024 to 31 March 2025. If the last day of a project is after 31 March 2025 please email GR.Data@executiveoffice-ni.gov.uk before the end of the reporting year.

Access the TEO Questionnaires

View all the TEO questionnaires here.