Conflict, Polarisation and Partition



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This conference will appeal to those who are interested in gaining greater insight into the Political developments, conflict and increased polarisation.

Dr Eamon Phoenix will speak about the political events and increased polarisation from 1917.  This will include 1917 Irish Convention, how sectarian violence spreads, Kings Speech at City Hall, Treaty and parliaments emerging in Ireland and N Ireland.

Dr Marie Coleman will speak about end of war, turmoil in Europe continues and Ireland post war.

These will be followed by a question and answer session.

There will be three seminars timetabled so that participants can attend all three.  Each seminar will start with an introductory paper then case study presentations and followed by an opportunity for wider discussion. 

Session 1 -    The Power of Objects

                        Speaker: Robert Heslip
                        Chair: Stella Byrne

                        Case Studies:
                        Corrymeela – identity maps and place project
                        1916 and You Exhibition
                        Cleenish Island 


Session 2 -    Dealing with Controversial Issues and Sensitivities of the Decades

                        Speaker: Kris Brown
                        Chair: Sophie Long

                        Case Studies
                        Alan McCully - Teachers Resource on the Decade of Centenaries
                        Meeke and the Major (Dervock and District Community Association/BCRC)
                        Ethical and Shared Remembering (The Junction)

Session 3 -    Skills Development

                        Speaker: Collette Brownlee
                        Chair: Niall Kerr

                        Case Studies

                        On the Brink (Volunteer Strand and Causeway Coast and Glens Museum
                        Tonagh Women’s Group (Irish Linen and Lisburn Museum Services)