Asylum Seekers Fund 2024

Event date(s): -
A jigsaw about to be completed | NICRC

Call for proposals to support the integration and inclusion of Asylum Seekers accommodated in Belfast. 

Belfast City Council is seeking submissions for new proposals that promote the integration and inclusion of people that have sought asylum in Belfast.

If you are interested in putting forward a submission for consideration, please read the notes below and complete Section B.

All submissions must be returned by Noon on the 30 April 2024 by email to quoting AS Support Proposal in the subject matter of the email.

Submissions must not exceed £15,000, please note that this is a limited pot of funding and only a small number of projects will be supported.


Belfast City Council has been provided with Asylum Dispersal Money from The Executive Office to specifically support the provision of services / projects to people seeking asylum in Belfast.

As part of this funding, the Council has funded several proposals, and now wishes to commission smaller scale proposals that support the integration and inclusion of people seeking asylum in Belfast.

How to apply

To be eligible for consideration you must complete the application form here and meet the eligibility criteria.

When completing the application form you must provide a clear and concise proposal, using the template provided, demonstrating exactly what you will do and how your proposal will support the integration and inclusion of people seeking asylum.

Council invites projects that specifically address some or all the following:

  1. Proposals that are innovative and do not duplicate the work of other services
  2. Proposals that engage host communities and people who have sought asylum
  3. Proposals that support awareness raising in host communities of the reality of asylum related matters and foster contact and connections with host communities to improve the welcome that people who have sought asylum receive
  4. Proposals that are delivered in areas where, to date, there has been limited infrastructure / funding for interventions supporting the inclusion of people seeking asylum.
  5. Proposals from organisations that have not received Asylum Dispersal Funding from Belfast City Council.
  6. The fund does not support one -off events / festivals.
  7. Proposals that encourage and support groups to involve people who have sought asylum in the life of their communities through participation in local activities, networks and organisations, including voluntary work.


Submissions must not exceed £15,000 and must demonstrate value for money.

Who can apply?

Organisations that have not received previous funding in 23/24 through the Asylum Dispersal Funding from Belfast City Council will be prioritised.

To be considered for this proposal your organisation must meet the eligibility criteria below:

  • You must be a community, voluntary or social enterprise organisation, which provides services for the benefit of people living in the Belfast City Council area. This means that your organisation must meet the following requirements: 

  • Formally constituted – have a formal governing document such as a constitution or memorandum and articles of association. 
  • Non-Governmental - is not part of government or under a substantial degree of executive control by government. 
  • Non-profit making – cannot distribute any surplus money to owners or members but spend them on serving your basic purpose and this is included in the governing document. 
  • The premises / area from where the project is delivered must be within the Belfast City Council area. 
  • Have a bank account in the organisation's name.
  • Have adequate insurance in place to deliver the service or project as well as relevant safeguarding procedures.
  • Must be able to deliver the proposal before the end of March 2025