Colours of Peace: Moving Beyond Orange and Green | The Migrant Centre NI

Event date(s): -
Four hands each holding a jigsaw piece coming together | NICRC

The Migrant Centre NI's Migrant and Ethnic Minority Peace Builders project will launch on 18 June in Belfast Castle with Colours of Peace, an all-day programme of workshops, discussions, and talks. 

The Peace Builders project seeks to develop the scope for diverse communities to have a meaningful role in Northern Irish peacebuilding work in the areas of community relations, transitional justice, reconciliation, and conflict prevention. This will be structured through quarterly capacity-building and networking sessions, beginning with the Colours of Peace event, for a cohort of lived-experience leaders from diverse communities.

Speaker and Facilitators

The speakers and facilitators for the event are:

  • Chris Gardner and Ricky Irwin, The Executive Office (TEO)
  • Dr Avila Kilmurray, Social Change Initiative
  • Dan Lee, The Rainbow Project
  • Dr David Mitchell, Trinty College Dublin
  • Laurie Randall, Mediation NI.

Attend the Event

Register to attend the event here.

Read more about The Migrant Centre NI.