CR/CD Small Grants Scheme 2024/25 open for applications

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People helping others CRCD Grant Scheme | NICRC

The Community Relations Cultural Diversity (CR/CD) Small Grants Scheme from the Community Relations Council is now open applications.

Deadline: Friday 01 November 2024 at 4 PM. (CRC hope to extend the opening date subject to the availability of additional funding during 24/25 - please refer back to the website regularly for latest update.)

About the Small Grants Scheme

The Community Relations Council, with the support of Government, has established a fund to spend each year on community relations projects.

This funding is intended to help community/voluntary groups throughout Northern Ireland develop their capacity to engage in community relations work and to enhance the community relations potential of projects they undertake.

Small Grants Scheme applications

Find out more about the Small Grants Scheme here: