Encounters webinar project | Thrive Ireland

Event date(s): -
Thrive Ireland | NICRC

Thrive Ireland are being supported through the Community Relations Council’s CR/CD grant scheme to deliver the Encounters webinar project.

The Encounters webinar project is a series of virtual encounters through workshops on the themes of Remembering and Memorial, Grief and Forgiveness and Social and Personal Responsibility. There will be input from peace and reconciliation specialists from Rwanda, Kenya and Zimbabwe, and response and reflection from Northern Ireland representatives.

Thrive Ireland is the lead partner in this application with Contemporary Christianity and the South East Fermanagh Foundation.

Diane Holt diane@thriveireland.org



Event details and speakers


Remembering and Memorial

Friday 5 March 2021

Speakers: Africa – Christophe Mbonyingabo (Rwanda) and Rev. Useni Sibanda (Zimbabwe);

N. Ireland – Samuel Heenan and Seamus McDonald


Grief and Forgiveness

Friday 12 March 2021

Speakers – Africa  - Christophe Mbonyingabo (Rwanda) & Josephine Mumyeli, Rwanda;

N. Ireland – Rev. David Clements & Rev. Alan Irwin


Social and personal responsibility

Friday 19 March 2021

Speakers – Africa - Bishop Ancelimo Magaya (Zimbabwe) and Allan Waihumbu (Kenya);

N. Ireland – Ann Travers & Paul Toombs


Attend the event

Book your tickets for the Encounters webinar project here: