Belfast City Council is delivering a leadership development programme to young volunteers within those numerous organisations who were involved in the provision of services to local residents and homeless people during the lockdown periods of 2020.
In a recent research report on the response of Belfast to the first COVID lockdown, the issue of volunteer leadership within communities was highlighted as being of central important to ensuring that no one was left behind in this time of crisis.
There was a strong recognition that the Council needed to support those who stepped up to serving residents during the pandemic, through the delivery (across community boundaries) of food parcels, medication and other resources.
There was also a recognition of the need to develop a new generation of similar leaders who would have the ability, cross-community networks and knowledge of civic systems to fulfil those tasks in the future, should they be required.
As such, the Council is delivering a leadership programme “to cultivate and embed new relationships within and between our communities.” This is based on the need to “ensure that knowledge is shared and that succession planning becomes a top priority with our young leaders.”
How to get involved
20 young volunteers (aged 18+) from voluntary and community groups and organisations who delivered services within communities and across Belfast City during the lockdown periods of 2020 will be invited to participate in this unique training programme.
The programme will include a range of modules, engagement activities and meetings to increase volunteers’ opportunities to engage with local infrastructure (community, statutory and Governmental), integrated services, local and city-wide networks, and co-design skills.
The programme will be delivered on a cross-community basis and will be short and concise.
Apply now
Belfast City Council is currently assessing interest in this programme. If you would like to be considered for participation, please complete the Expression of Interest form here:
Deadline: Friday 26 August 2022 at 4pm.