Visit To Drumalis House Retreat Centre – Causeway Coast And Glens

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Drumalos House Retreat | CRC NI

Causeway Coast And Glens Borough Council is organising a historical visit to Drumalis House Retreat Centre, as well as a walking tour of Ballycarry.


Drumalis is a retreat centre in Larne, County Antrim, owned and managed by the Sisters of the Cross and Passion. 

The ministry of the house is one of reconciliation and nurturing.

The elegant house, which still stands on the site, was built by Hugh Smiley in 1872 and added to in stages right up to his death in 1909.  The Drumalis grounds is also the location  of the famous Larne gun running in 1912, providing a direct route from the harbour to the towns and villages in Co. Antrim. 


Ballycarry village is home to Ballycarry Presbyterian Church. Founded in 1613, Ballycarry is the oldest congregation in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. The present church building dates from 1830. The Old Presbyterian (Non-Subscribing) Congregation also traces its roots back to 1613.

Learn about James Orr (1770-1816) the Weaver Poet and his life which encapsulates the most radical period of Ulster Scots history when the east Ulster Presbyterians took part in the United Irish Rebellion of 1798.


Attend The Event

The visit and walking tour are free of charge, places are limited.

To register, or be notified of future events, please contact or call Bebhinn on 028 7776 0312.