Accredited Conflict Management and Mediation Skills Workshop

Venue: Clarendon Street Chambers, 67 Clarendon Street, Derry/ Londonderry,
BT48 7ER.

Dates: 2 May 2017

Time: 9.30am – 4.30pm

Cost: £100.00 (includes NIOCN registration fee and course workbook).

*Earlybird Registation Register before 21st April 2016 £80.00

Tutor: Michael Doherty B.Sc., M.A. Administration and Legal Studies, Accredited Mediator Regents University, London.


Who for?

This course is designed for solicitors, Police Officers, Social Workers, Probation Officers, School Teachers, Good Relations Officers, Project Officers, Health Officers, Care Workers and facilitators who work in group settings

Workshop Aims

To introduce participants to the principles of Conflict Management and the use of Mediation as tool for resolving conflict.
Explain to participants that Mediation is a process, which helps people in dispute to have a difficult conversation with each other that enables them to work through their issues and hopefully reach an agreeable outcome.
 To give participants an overview of the Learning Outcomes for the course and explain the Northern Ireland Open College Network Accreditation procedure.


At the end of the Workshop the participants will be able to: -

  • Identify different ways people deal with conflict
  • Be aware of the skills of a mediator
  • Have an understanding of how mediation works in practice
  • Help disputing parties create their own agreements
  • Understand the advantages and disadvantages of co-mediation.

For further information and registration details download Conflict Management and Mediation Skills workshop (PDF 248 KB)