Boys of the Island Concert - As part of Mid Ulster District Council’s Decade of Anniversaries Programme

As part of Mid Ulster District Council’s Decade of Anniversaries Programme the following Concert is taking place:

Boys of the Island Concert

Saturday 17 November 2018, 7pm at Bardic Theatre, Donaghmore 

Tickets are Free – to book contact Louise Hall Tel: 03000 132 132 Ext 24608

A commemorative concert by renowned composers and award winning musicians, Tracey McCrory, Richard Laird and a host of Mid Ulster musicians, including Donald Canavan & Andrew McGregor

A specially commissioned piece will be performed piece will be performed with local musicians during the concert to pay tribute to the soldiers of Mid Ulster who fought and died during World War 1.

The Robert Morrow VC will be the inspiration for the new composition.  Robert’s story is exceptional – awarded the Victoria Cross for conspicuous bravery near Messines on 12 April 1915.

The concert will use imagery, film and music and narrative and their stories will weave their way throughout the concert creating a musical journey of remembrance and reconciliation.