Collaboration for Change - A Task for our Time

Sat, October 6, 2018, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM BST

The Guildhall
Guildhall Street
BT48 6DQ

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This is an invitation for everyone involved in creating progressive alternatives and also for interested individuals. The event will be a place where those who say it can’t be done take back seat to those who are doing it. (Laura Flanders)

Collaboration for Change is a gathering of citizen-led movements called to mark the anniversaries in 2018 of the Civil Rights Movement in Derry and the signing of the Universal Rights Declaration. We will explore the contributions already being made to building a just and resilient society in Northern Ireland and how we can develop that work by collaboration between the various economic, social, cultural and environmental alternatives. The organisers recognise that our own work can only be enhanced by learning and sharing and we are committed to creating spaces for this to happen.

American activist, speaker, economist and environmentalist Michael Albert will be there to offer his support and expertise.

The 6th October Gathering is the first of three planned events shaping a collaborative movement which puts people and planet first.

Register now to receive a full programme when it is finalised along with further information about the day as it becomes available. Registration will also guarantee your place.