CR/CD and Pathfinder Grants Scheme - Key Changes for 2019/20

Beginning on the 1 April 2019 the CRC will begin its switch to online applications starting with the 2019/20 Community Relations/Cultural Diversity (CR/CD) Grants and Pathfinder schemes.

Applicants will be able to complete on-line grant forms through a special portal on the CRC website

It is hoped that the new system will provide an enhanced applicant experience which will mean that the submission of hard copy applications is no longer required.

In addition to the changes to the application process there will also be changes in relation award notifications and how finance and evaluation reports are returned.

The new application process has been designed to be intuitive to support a simple and effectual application process with further information being made available over the coming weeks.

We are working hard to roll out of the new system we would ask for your patience as we bed in these new grant processes across all our grant schemes over the coming months.

Finally, for awards made before 31 March 2019 should please continue to submit claims and other documentation using the existing processes.