The EMSONI Confederation Cup 2024 is an 8-week programme with 38 matches being played across five locations in Belfast and also two matches in Dungannon. It includes 16 teams across 20 cultures and includes LGBTQIA and this year there is a Northern Ireland Team made up of representatives of the cultures now living here. The Confederation Cup is supported by several partners and through the ‘Housing for All’ Shared Housing Programme across Belfast and Dungannon with Radius Housing and Apex Housing Association.
The Confederation Cup 2024 was officially launched at Windsor Park International Stadium on 12 May with speakers from IFA, Radius, Apex, and the opening ceremony and first kick off match was held in Midgley Park, Linfield FC grounds at Olympia Leisure Complex on Sunday 9 June. This event included a BBQ and multi- sports activities for families followed by a fantastic opening ceremony and leading into the first match of the project between Poland and East Timore.
The Opening Ceremony and First Kick off match at Midgley Park had over 300 attending. There will also be a Cup Final and Cultural Festival Event on Saturday 3rd August at Ulidia Playing Fields, Ormeau Road.
EMSONI is not only the first ethnic minority led community multisport organisation in Northern Ireland but also the leading and a multi-award winning sport development organisation for the ethnic minority community in Northern Ireland with the aim of promoting participation to diversify the face of sports.