Foyle Women's Information Network - PEACE IV Project

Foyle Women's Information Network are working to deliver a PEACE IV project that is specifically targeted to empower, engage, transform and connect women aged 16+ from counties Derry, Donegal, Tyrone, Fermanagh, Leitrim and Sligo. 

This is a free course which offers an ILM assured digital qualification in Peace and Conflict Transformation, with an opportunity for women to progress to a Level 3 ILM qualification in Leadership and Management. 

Course Details

Modules for the course include: 

  • Conflict Transformation
  • Communication
  • Traditions and Cultures
  • Equality and Diversity
  • Empowered and Enabled Communities
  • Leadership

It is a really innovative, bright, unique and enjoyable course with lots of opportunities for learning and empowerment. 

Apply For The Course

To apply for the course, you need to complete this brief questionnaire: