International Women's Day - An exciting opportunity for young women to make their voices heard

Speaker’s event to mark International Women’s Day 2019
Supported by the Assembly Women’s Caucus

Friday 8 March 2019, Parliament Buildings

IWD Theme 2019: “Better the balance, better the world”

An exciting opportunity for young women to make their voices heard

The Northern Ireland Assembly wants to encourage more young women to get involved in politics by making their views known on the issues which affect them.  For example: What are young women’s concerns in day-to-day life? How can we build a more gender-balanced society?

This event will give young women the opportunity to meet with female MLAs before having the rare privilege of participating in a session in the Assembly Chamber chaired by the Assembly Speaker, Robin Newton MLA. The discussions will be led by the young female contributors and responded to by the Assembly Women’s Caucus.   


10.30 – 11.00    Registration
11.00 – 12.00     Welcome by the Speaker, meeting MLAs from the Women’s Caucus and preparations for the Assembly Chamber session
12.00 – 13.00    Lunch (provided)
13.15 – 14.45    Event in the Assembly Chamber

Schools, colleges and youth organisations may nominate up to 5 young women aged 16-18 and are encouraged to select those who have not previously visited Parliament Buildings or participated in Assembly initiatives. Please note that in order to maximise the number and diversity of organisations who can be represented, and for logistical reasons, it may not be possible for all nominees to attend

To apply please email before midday on 12 February, with the name of your organisation and contact person; your constituency (or postcode); and the number of places requested. Please note that space is limited and attendees are sought from all 18 Assembly constituencies.

Further details, including the number of places available for each organisation, will be provided as soon as possible after the closing date for applications. In addition, support material will be provided by the Assembly’s research team.

For further information or special assistance, please telephone 028 9052 1833. Assistance with the cost of transport may be available.