Launch of new film: LET’S TALK.

Community Relations Week:

19th Sept at Jethro Centre Lurgan – 3pm – 8pm.

Directed by Paul Moorehead  (Kettle of Fish) and funded by Community Relations Council.

Through the stories of and conversations with different people involved in building a healthy social democracy in a range of contexts across Northern Ireland, the film demonstrates the power of talking together.

Guest Speaker: Prof. Pete Shirlow (Liverpool University).

The time together will provide opportunities for participants to view the film, to listen to/talk with those people in the film who speak of experiences of ‘talking together’, to be in conversation with panel members and guests, to enjoy hospitality/music and to wonder about ‘What Now’.

The sessions will be facilitated by Michael Doherty who is a well renowned regional and global mediator.

For more information and/or to register please contact Olive Hobson (Jethro Centre).

Mobile no: 07779597647


As spaces are limited Registration is necessary before 29th August.