Is Our Education System Failing Our Children? | Report Published by Reclaim the Enlightenment

Reclaim the Enlightenment | NICRC

The findings of an education conference have been released by charity Reclaim the Enlightenment.

Education for Enlightenment – Is Our Education System Failing Our Children? was a one-day, multiple-perspective conference on education held at The Duncairn Centre, Belfast, in November 2023. Now the findings from it have been collated into a report which can be viewed below.

The Community Relations Council supported the conference through its CR/CD Small Grants Scheme.

The conference sought to increase the debate on the divisive nature of the education system in Northern Ireland and show that the division along sectarian and academic lines has served to keep communities separate rather than together which has led to serious disadvantage for most of the population.

Several speakers presented who were experts in the field of educational research, as well as an overview of education from the early 19th century until present day. Findings touched upon the detrimental effects of this system, including the excess financial cost of the current system.

The topic of segregation in the NI education system and the idea of moving to an integrated education system has been an important discussion over many years in the region to help combat sectarianism and move towards a more shared society. This cross-community conference investigated the legacy of sectarianism on current education system and the effect of selection on young people

Sign the Petition

In an effort to move towards a fairer comprehensive education system for our children and our society, Reclaim the Enlightenment would like to draw your attention toward the petition – Eleven Plus transfer test in Northern Ireland:

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View the Report

Read the report here: Education for Enlightenment – Is Our Education System Failing Our Children.

Printed copies of the report are available for £5 from Reclaim The Enlightenment: