Rebels, Radicals, Royalists and Loyalists Programme - Portadown & Newry

Venue: Richmount Centre, 2 Derrlettiff Road, Portadown

Monday 8th October - Catholic Emancipation and Home Rule
Monday 15th October - Crises and Volunteers (Redmond and Carson)
Monday 22nd October - Blood Sacrifice: Easter Rising and WW1 - The Somme
Monday 29th October - War of Independence and Partition
Monday 19th November - Irish Civil War and Civil Strife in Northern Ireland
Monday 5th November - "The Troubles" and Course Evaluation
Saturday 12th November – Study Visit 1 - This is a 1 day visit to Stormont, St Anne's Cathedral, Belfast and The Somme Heritage Museum.
Saturday 27th and Sunday 28th October – Study Visit 2 - Dublin - This is an overnight residential which includes visits to Glasnevin Cemetery, Arbour Hill Cemetery, the Memorial Gardens at Island Bridge, the National Museum at Collins Barracks and the Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square.

There is a fee of £30 for the course payable on the first night. 

Please note spaces are limited on this programme and a waiting list will operate should the programme become oversubscribed.
There are three eligibility criteria that all participants must meet:
1.  They must be actively involved in their community so that they can share the learning. 
2.  They must be able to attend all workshops and the study visits (except for illness which is unforeseeable).
3. They must be willing to share twin accommodation on residential.
The course is organised by Charmain Jones, Community Relations Officer for Rural Community Network and Sarah Haughey, Community Relations Officer, REACT Armagh, funded by the Community Relations Council and delivered by Martin Snoddon from Northern Spring.
Anyone interested in participating in the course should contact Sarah 028 3752 6869 or email giving their expression of interest and confirming that they meet the eligibility criteria.  

This course consists of 6 workshops (2 – 4.30pm) and 2 study visits. Participants will examine the following events and their impact on the Island of Ireland.

Venue:  Ballybot House, 28 Cornmarket, Newry, BT35 8BG

This course consists of 6 workshops (7 – 9.30pm) and 2 study visits. Participants will examine the following events and their impact on the Island of Ireland.

Monday 22nd October - Catholic Emancipation and Home Rule
Monday 29th October - Crises and Volunteers (Redmond and Carson)
Monday 5th November - Blood Sacrifice: Easter Rising and WW1 - The Somme
Monday 12th November - War of Independence and Partition
Monday 19th November - Irish Civil War and Civil Strife in Northern Ireland
Monday 26th November - "The Troubles" and Course Evaluation
Saturday 1st December – Study Visit 1 - This is a 1 day visit to Stormont, St Anne's Cathedral, Belfast and The Somme Heritage Museum.
Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th November – Study Visit 2 - Dublin - This is an overnight residential which includes visits to Glasnevin Cemetery, Arbour Hill Cemetery, the Memorial Gardens at Island Bridge, the National Museum at Collins Barracks and the Garden of Remembrance, Parnell Square.

There is a fee of £30 for the course payable on the first night. 

Please note spaces are limited on this programme and a waiting list will operate should the programme become oversubscribed.
There are three eligibility criteria that all participants must meet:
1.  They must be actively involved in their community so that they can share the learning. 
2.  They must be able to attend all workshops and the study visits (except for illness which is unforeseeable).
3. They must be willing to share twin accommodation on residential.
The course is organised by Charmain Jones, Community Relations Officer for Rural Community Network and Sarah Haughey, Community Relations Officer, REACT Armagh, funded by the Community Relations Council and delivered by Martin Snoddon from Northern Spring.
Anyone interested in participating in the course should contact Sarah 028 3752 6869 or email giving their expression of interest and confirming that they meet the eligibility criteria.