Untold stories: Touring Belfast's grassroots peacebuilding history - ESRC Festival NI

Location: Belfast
Date: 3 November 2018
Time: 10:00 - 12:30

Untold stories: Touring Belfast's grassroots peacebuilding history

Collect your tickets and climb aboard this extra special guided bus tour of Belfast. See the sites of the city, and learn how grassroots communities have transformed peace-building efforts in Northern Ireland over the last 50 years. 

Peace is often viewed as a product of political agreements, with credit and responsibility assigned to politicians. However, to succeed agreements have to be backed up and supported by the grassroots leaders and communities on the ground. This event seeks to uncover and celebrate 50 years of communities working and advocating for peace in Northern Ireland.

The guided bus tour will trace this 50-year history by travelling across the four quadrants of Belfast, visiting the locations and hearing the stories of people who despite years of conflict during the Troubles worked to promote an end to violence and division. This event will celebrate the 'everyday' acts by these ordinary people, whose stories often remain untold, and hear how these actions, both before and as a response to the Troubles, ultimately led to peace and transformed the conflict.

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