What matters to YOU: Power-Sharing, Brexit, a Border Poll? Residential

Carrickdale Hotel, Ravensdale, Dundalk +353 (0) 42 938 0900
Saturday 24 Nov 9.30am-Sunday 25 Nov 2018 at 12.30pm

Facilitators - Brian Lennon, David Holloway, Catherine Quinn

Brexit happens on 29 March 2019 but our Executive remains suspended, so N.I. has less ability to influence the Brexit talks than Scotland or Wales. Sinn Fein have not taken up their 7 seats in parliament but the DUP are using their 10 to influence the Westminster Government.

Do the implications of Brexit fill you with fear, hope or indifference? And who cares that Stormont remains suspended? Does it make a difference to you?

Stormont’s suspension means that we are effectively a zombie state, stagnating and rudderless while urgent decisions are held up because there is no minister to sign off on them, e.g. in the health service which, among other issues, is already losing staff from other EU countries.

And of course, on-going demographic change, combined with fears that a no deal Brexit will lead to a hard border, have reignited calls for a border poll and increased fears of a return to politico-sectarian conflict.

Amidst this turmoil a pilot N.I. Citizen’s Assembly is modelling citizen engagement in decision-making on the contested issue of health reform with the Department of Health’s support.

Does this form of participative democracy offer a way out of the situation we find ourselves in?

So; what sort of future do YOU want? What can YOU do to get it? And what about those who DIFFER from you? How can you ensure that THEY feel they belong too?

This residential may focus on some of these issues, but, as always, our main focus will be on What social or political issues matter most deeply to YOU? Part of the residential, at the request of previous participants, will involve input on the 1998 Belfast Agreement and on Brexit.

Our hope is that those of us who take part in the dialogue process will:

  • Learn more about each other, our experiences and our visions of the future;
  • Listen to and dialogue with others who hold views very different from our own.

If you would like to take part please fill in the form on page two. Please note: All participants need to commit to the whole process. The residential is free of charge.

Brian Lennon                                David Holloway                             Catherine Quinn

Dialogue for Diversity                Community Dialogue                  Community Dialogue

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