Reflections Of World War One – A Musical Journey

Event date(s): -
A theatre | CRC NI

Reflections Of World War One - A Musical Journey is a new performance by world renowned musician and composer Tracey McRory.

The workshop highlights Tracey’s own connections to World War One and also the story of the men and women from Ireland who served during World War One.

Tracey has been involved over the last 15 years composing music and songs about The Great War. She is a four-time All Ireland champion fiddle player and also a noted Harper. She has performed many times at the Menin Gate, Ypres, Belgium.

In 2017 she was commissioned along with Richard Laird to compose and perform a special piece for the centenary of the Battle of Messines in Belgium.


Event Details

7 November 2019 - 2pm - 4pm in the Tara Centre, Omagh.

7 November 2019 - 7pm - 9pm in Fermanagh House, Enniskillen.


Attend the Event

The events are free of charge. To register please contact Pauline Clarke by email pauline.clarke@fermanagh or by phone: 0300 303 1777.