Towards Understanding and Healing – 200 Words and One Picture Launch Event

Event date(s): -
A sunset | CRC NI

Towards Understanding and Healing is having a launch night for their exhibition “200 Words and One Picture” on Friday 10 January at 7pm. This free event is open to everyone.

A selection of people whose stories are featured will speak at the launch.

As poet and playwright Damian Gorman puts it:

Our stories matter - and not just to ourselves. For they move towards other people’s stories like outstretched hands…”

As Towards Understanding and Healing puts it:

We hope that this diverse range of Troubles-related short stories and photographs from people from right across the Derry City and Strabane District Council area will reach out to you, maybe remind you of your own story and maybe remind you too of the potential that each of us has for creating a different story, a fresh narrative, one of healing and renewal."


Event Details

10 January – 25 January 2020

9.30am 5pm Monday to Saturday

Strule Arts Centre, Omagh


Attend the Event

Tickets are free but pre-booking is essential. Book your ticket by email