Choose to Challenge – reclaiming our voices in civic and public spaces | North West Migrant Forum

Event date(s): -
People smiling and enjoying life | CRC NI

Take part in in “Choose to Challenge” – a series of online seminars aimed at providing confidence and leadership skills for BME women and girls from across Northern Ireland.

Delivered by the North West Migrant Forum (NWMF), in partnership with the Belfast Islamic Centre and iAssist NI, the Seminars, led entirely by BME women, will focus on empowering you to work together, as well as including active discussions about the intersections between racial equality and gender justice in Northern Ireland. 

The seminars run every week from 6 – 27 February 2021, and will culminate on International Women’s Day on 6 March 2021.

This is open to women and girls from all background who are age 15 and above and wish to step up and challenge all forms of inequality.


 Topics of discussion will include:

  • Women’s Participation and Transformative Leadership: Valuing BME women voices in leadership – 6 February 2021 at 12 PM
  • Gender mainstreaming: Reclaiming BME voices in N! History – 14 February 20 at 12 PM
  • Gender, justice, and BME women’s rights – 27 February 2021 at 12 PM
  • International Women’s Day Conference: Choose to Challenge – BME women Call to Action: 6 March 2021 at 12 PM.


Register your Interest

All events are exclusively online, to register your attendance go here: