The 100 Project book to be buried for 100 years | Beyond Skin

The 100 Project - Beyond Skin | NICRC

A book of women’s stories is to be buried in Mount Stewart and remain opened for the next 100 years.

The book, which celebrates the voices of 100 women through different mediums of art, is a truly unique project that has been led by Kerry Anderson from Beyond Skin.

Kerry said, “Centred on themes of belonging and connection to the earth in Northern Ireland, each piece shares a personal story and insight into the many experiences lived on this treasured land.”

This one-of-a-kind book will be planted in the surrounds of Mount Stewart in August 2022 and will remain unopened for the next 100 years.

The 100 Project from Beyond Skin was supported by the Community Relations Council’s CR/CD Small Grants Scheme.

“In creating these pieces,” Kerry said, “the women connected with the wisdom of their ancestors in order to gather important messages of purpose and growth to share with future generations. Planting these 100 voices is not a way of hiding them, rather the opposite. Through planting in the earth, we can share our innate wisdom and reconciliation with the land of Northern Ireland and with the descendants of our present. We aspire to harvest a better world for tomorrow and to share the power of togetherness through our words and creative expression.”

Kerry is hopeful that when the book is next opened attitudes within Northern Ireland will have significantly changed. She said:

“For us all, we would like to think that in 100 years the issues we face now with gender discrimination, sectarianism, racism, and lack of care of our planet will no longer exist. The 100 women in the book represent this hope.”


Peace in Mind – The 100 Project

100 pieces of art by 100 women were bound as a book by a Belfast artist with the intention of being stored for 100 years.

The 100 Project from Beyond Skin was supported by the Community Relations Council’s CR/CD Small Grants Scheme. It forms part of Beyond Skin’s Peace in Mind project which uses The Arts to explore mental health and peaceful communities.

The basic outline for the project was the creation of 100 pieces of art by 100 women which were bound into a book created by Belfast-based artist Wilhelmina Peace.

Kerry said: “The book was handcrafted with sustainable and ethically sourced materials and is currently travelling all six counties on a tour with Libraries NI, after being professionally documented by PRONI. The book will be planted at Mount Stewart on 10 September 2022, and will be celebrated through a mini-festival including performances, talks and stalls - all hosted by women-led businesses and artists.”

 The women who formed part of this project had very different backgrounds, were of different ages and came from contrasting points of view.

“This incredible spectrum of life experience is what makes this project so powerful and unique,” Kerry said. “The women have been given free range to create what they want and how they want, whether that be drawing, painting, writing or composing – any way that they can express their connection to the land and the life in Northern Ireland on a page.”

Participants feedback

Thank you so very much for your beautiful, affirmative email recently. It was truly beautiful. Thank you and all the Beyond Skin team for everything you do in creating and sustaining a peaceful, free world for us to be in.” Mairead

Thank you so much for suggesting I join in on the project. It was the perfect medium to navigate through my grief and hopefully create something nice from the madness!.. You’ve done fantastic creating this strong female community and you should be proud of yourself!” Courtney

I'm so happy to be part of the project, that I had the chance to meet you and part of the women involved. It was a great experience and I enjoyed looking at what everyone else was thinking and creating. Many thanks to 'The 100' project, Beyond Skin and all of you that made it possible.” Denitsa

Book burial in Mount Stewart

This unique book will be planted in the surrounds of Mount Stewart in August 2022, and will remain unopened for the next 100 years.

Read more about Beyond Skin