2024/25 Central Good Relations Fund Open for Applications | The Executive Office

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A jigsaw about to be completed | NICRC

The 2024/25 Central Good Relations Fund (CGRF) is open for applications, for groups who wish to apply online for a project funding grant (for projects over £1,500). 

Application deadline: Monday 22 January 2024 at 4PM


Online Funding Forum

An online funding forum will provide groups with an opportunity to hear more about the fund as well as receiving advice and guidance on the application process.

The online forum will last one hour and will also include an opportunity for attendees to submit questions to the panel.

The online session will take place on Tuesday 9 January 2024 at 10.30AM.

If you wish to attend, please email GoodRelationsFund@executiveoffice-ni.gov.uk by Monday 8 January 2024.



Access the CGRF Fund

To access the online application portal, you must first register your organisation. However, if you have previously registered, you do not need to register again. Please follow the link below and enter your username and password in the ‘Local Account Login’ section to log in to the application portal.

Already Registered? Login to apply for a 2024/25 CGRF grant

If you have not already registered, please use the link below to register your organisation. Please note, you must register your organisation by 4PM Friday 19 January 2024 to enable access to the online application portal. Any registrations submitted after that time will not be accepted. 

Register to be able to apply for a 2024/25 CGRF grant



To register (if you have not already done so), you will need:

  • Your contact information;
  • Details of your organisation, including address and organisation type; and
  • A copy of your organisation’s constitution (WORD or PDF). 


Online Application 

To apply online you will need:

  • Your online sign in details (username and password);
  • Details of your proposed project including proposed activities and costings; and
  • Copies of job descriptions, if applicable (for any salary(s) being claimed).


Further Information

For further information and guidance about the CGRF, contact a team member by email: GoodRelationsFund@executiveoffice-ni.gov.uk