“Sectarianism - The Ghost of the Peace Process"

The John Hewitt Society - Talks

To mark the Society’s 30th Anniversary year, we intend to host a series of talks around the theme for the year - “Striding forward” inspired by the John Hewitt poem ‘Jacob and the Angel’

“I will not pause to struggle with my past locked in an angry posture with a ghost but striding forward”

The first of these talks will take place on Wednesday 26 April 2017 at 10.30am in the Canada Room, Queen’s University, finishing by 12 noon.

Professor Marianne Elliott will speak on the topic

“Sectarianism - The Ghost of the Peace Process”.

Marianne Elliott is former Director of The Institute of Irish Studies, University of Liverpool, and author of a number of important books including a biography of Wolfe Tone; Catholics of Ulster: a History; and When God Took Sides- Religion and Identity in Ireland.

Talks will be chaired by Sir George Bain, and admission is free.