Lisburn & Castlereagh City Council #GRWeek events

The following is taking place in the LCCC area during GR Week.

  1. Monday 17th  September – Launch of Good Relations Week & Afternoon Tea with the Mayor Initiative
  2. Monday 17th September – Lisburn Linen Centre & Museum – arts and crafts workshop looking at (and playing with!) old toys from back ‘then’ and designing a toy of the future! 2:00pm to 4:00pm
  3. Monday 17th September – Brooklands Youth Forum, Brooklands Youth Centre Ballybeen 7pm-9:30pm African Drumming / DJ Session with Bounce Culture
  4. Tuesday 18th September – Launch of Lisburn & Castlereagh Youth Council ‘who we are’ and exploring the theme ‘Then, Now….Next’ – find out how they can HELP you!
  5. Thursday 20th September – ‘Flax to Linen’ workshop with Dundonald Ladies ‘Knit & Natter’ – Dundonald High School 7pm

For further information contact: