Imagine Festival

Belfast’s unique festival of ideas will return during 25-31 March with its biggest ever programme and an open invitation for the public to engage with the big issues of our times. Designed to stimulate new ideas on culture and politics, the advance programme has just been released for the 5th year of this major festival.

During the coming year, which will be dominated by Brexit, the local government elections, and a number of key commemorations, the ground-breaking festival offers up an eclectic programme with over 150 events in 50 venues across the city. Strictly non-partisan, the festival reaches out to people from all backgrounds with a wide range of events including talks, workshops, theatre, comedy, films, walking tours, exhibitions and lots more.

According to Peter O’Neill, founder and festival director:

“The festival provides a unique opportunity for people to engage with some of the big issues of our time in a fun and dynamic way. Over 350 speakers and performers will stimulate discussion on new ideas relating to politics, culture and activism. There’s something for everyone in our programme – most of the events are free – and we are particularly keen to involve people who are traditionally not involved in political debates. So join us in preparing for a better tomorrow.”

The diverse advance programme includes the renowned author Lionel Shriver, best known for her award-winning novel “We Need to Talk About Kevin”; George Monbiot – the author, Guardian columnist and environmental campaigner; and one of Ireland’s most distinguished former politicians, Mary Harney, the first woman to lead an Irish political party and be Tánaiste.

The festival will also host a major exhibition by our leading local artist Rita Duffy and the equality champion, Richard Wilkinson, will discuss the social and individual effects of inequality. The programme of talks also includes a lecture by the legendary journalist Vincent Browne on the fortuitous partition of Ireland and a discussion on the art of gentle protest with the Craftism Collective founder, Sarah Corbett.

The journalist and author, Gavin Esler looks at ‘Why Leaders Lie’ and Anthony Barnett will consider the threats to democracy posed by Brexit. The leading comedian, Shazia Mirza will also appear alongside entertainer and satirist Paddy Cullivan who will perform ‘The Joy of Brex’, a musical show about Brexit.

The Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas will also discuss ‘What’s wrong with patriotism?’ and ‘What does sex sell?’ and the renowned human rights activist Peter Tatchell, closes out the festival on 31 March.

All of these events are now on sale through the festival website

The festival also has a special Democracy Day programme looking at aspects of civic activism and the potential fall out of Brexit on 29 March, organised with the leading global media platform, open Democracy.

Members of the public will also be asked to produce sculptures and artefacts using wood pellets in a satirical project examining the RHI scandal.

The full festival programme will be launched by the Belfast Lord Mayor on 19 February

For enquiries contact: Peter O’Neill, Festival Director – 07835381040 –

Imagine Belfast is generously supported by Building Change Trust; VSB Foundation; Belfast City Council; Queen’s University Belfast; Ulster University; Community Relations Council and The Open University Northern Ireland.

For tickets and programme details go to: For regular updates, news and views – check out Facebook ( and Twitter (@ImagineBelfast #ImagineBelfast)