"Guardians of the Flame”

"Guardians of the Flame”  produced by Jonny Clark, Director of Youth With A Mission Ireland and English film maker Josh Eaves of Global Fire Creative will be screened at the Holywell Building, Bishop Street on April 9th at 7 30 pm.  

Producer Jonny Clark and Beryl Quigley, whose story is featured in the film,   will take part in a community conversation after the screening. To book a place, please contact Kirstie Wright at 028-71261941 or email: kwright@thejunction-ni.org  

“Guardians of The Flame” is about three individuals who have displayed inspirational courage and compassion despite great personal loss, and who continue to pursue their desire for peace and reconciliation.

Clark, who grew up in Belfast, talks to Alan McBride, whose wife Sharon and father-in-law was killed in the Shankill bomb, Eugene Reavey whose three brothers were killed in the Whitecross shooting, and Beryl Quigley whose husband, Bill McConnell, was killed by the IRA.

Others interviewed include musician and peace activist Tommy Sands and former SDLP MP Seamus Mallon who recalls visiting the Reavey family in Whitecross on the night of the massacre.

Also taking part are Padraig O’ Tuama (Corrymeela), Rev. Steve Stockman (Fitzroy Presbyterian Church) Ed Petersen ((Clonard Monastery) and Fr. Mark Ephrem (Benedictine Monastery Rostrevor).

The filmmakers took their title from a quote by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks in his book The Dignity of Difference, “Religion is like a fire and like a fire it warms but it also burns, and we are the guardians of the flame.”