Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust Current Grants

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust aims to fund work which will contribute to the ongoing transformation of the Northern Ireland conflict.

Its vision is of a Northern Ireland with the following characteristics: 

  • A constitutional settlement which takes account of the range of political views of the people of Northern Ireland, Britain and the Republic of Ireland and which is underpinned by the principles and values of participation, human rights and equality 
  • A non-sectarian political culture which is inclusive, transparent, responsive and accountable 
  • effective processes and mechanisms for managing societal and political conflict without recourse to violence 
  • A respectful and inclusive public discourse about the Troubles, which promotes a shared understanding of the root causes of past violence, and a public policy framework which facilitates truth, justice and reconciliation 
  • A vibrant, pluralist and activist civil society, responsive to the needs of the most vulnerable and able to hold the government to account.

Funding Priorities

The Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust is interested in funding work which:

  • Addresses the root causes of violence and injustice, rather than alleviating symptoms
  • Cannot be funded from other sources
  • Is likely to make a long-term, strategic difference. 

It has identified the following priority areas:

1. Strengthening human rights and equality

This includes work to secure and monitor implementation of human rights commitments by the state, work which strengthens a culture of human rights, as well as new initiatives on economic, social and cultural rights.

2. Supporting inclusive, non-sectarian and participatory politics

This includes initiatives which strengthen the voices of marginalised groups in public policy-making, foster positive, non-violent approaches to expressing and managing political difference and which cultivate the independence of thecommunity and voluntary sectors.

3. Supporting processes of demilitarisation

This includes initiatives which encourage groups engaged in armed struggle to take steps towards exclusively non-violent strategies and to engage in comprehensive processes of transition to civilian life.

4. Dealing with the past

The Trust is concerned primarily with work that promotes a shared understanding of the root causes of past violence, or which encourages government to implement initiatives to address the legacy of violence at a societal level.

Further Information

Apply for the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust Grant now