SLIG Young People & Interface Research - What our Views are and what we Think

Year Published:

Students who completed the research:
Zoe McKnight - Suffolk
Janet Borrow - Suffolk
Morgan Van Dyk - Suffolk
Donna Maguire - Lenadoon
Roberts Sands - Lenadoon
Linda-Marie Hamill - Lenadoon
Gerard Forestal - Lenadoon

This research was conducted by a cross community group of young adults as part of their OCN Level 2 Introduction to Youth Work course. They recruited 34 young people in total (16 from Suffolk and 18 from Lenadoon) to get their views on interface violence and peace walls . The age of the interviewees ranged from 11 to 21 years old.

The findings of the research will be used to inform SLIG’s work and provide information to the community in relation to the views of our young people.